Tuesday 27 November 2012

Part Three - Livingstone, Zambia

Location: Livingstone, southwest Zambia
Languages: English
Population: 140 000
Prices: Services and gas cheap, goods, European prices or more expensive
Attractions: Victoria falls, Livingstone Museum, Game Safaris
Info: Livingstone, named after Scottish explorer David Livingstone was founded by the British Empire near the biggest tribal village in the region, Mukuni. It's still a major tourist attraction due to the world famous Victoria Falls located few kilometers out of the city.
SA Recommends:
Victoria falls (Spectacular scenery)
Local Market (Unique atmosphere, and you'll find fruits to try that you've never even heard of)

A: Cape town, B: Windhoek, C: Livingstone

24.11 0:19 GMT+1

After another long and exhausting bus journey we arrive to the town of Livingstone. The Zambian laid back attitude is already visible at the border post, where things are about as informal as possible. The friendliness and hospitality of Zambian never ceases to amaze me. And because everybody speaks really good English, traveler feels instantly welcome. We dump our backpacks to our hostel and go for some local food. I had lots of Nshima and local relish on my last visit to town, so I ordered an item called "chicken in a basket" from the menu. Needless to say I was surprised when it turned out to be quite literal description: 15 minutes later, I'm presented with a whole roasted and spiced chicken, in a basket.

As pleased as my mouth was with the chicken, my stomach and bowels didn't exactly agree and the next  two days and nights were pure agony. The incredible heat and humidity in Livingstone did not help with the sweating and sickness, but only an idiot would pass up on seeing the Victoria Falls especially since we were so close, so I had to power through. The magnificence of the largest waterfalls in the world certainly managed to save my otherwise quite uncomfortable day, even if I had to run to the bathroom every thirty minutes. The falls just as awesome as the last time I saw them, probably my favorite place in the world scenery-wise. I was hugely disappointed that I didn't get to see much of the city like last time, but seeing the falls pretty much made up for it.

During my last visit, I really enjoyed Livingstone and I had one of the greatest traveling experiences of my life and this visit didn't change my view of the town, even though my experience wasn't as great as last time. Tomorrow morning we'll travel to our next destination, Lusaka, which is the first city on our route where I've never been before. So the trip is definitely getting more exciting for me.

Next destination: Lusaka, Zambia

1 comment:

  1. Luin tähän astiset jutut läpi ja jään seuraamaan. :) Hienoja kuvia ja maisemia! Toivottavasti mahasi on jo kunnossa.
