Wednesday 19 December 2012

Part Ten - Zanzibar, Tanzania

Location: Zanzibar, 80km from the east coast of Africa
Languages: Swahili
Population: 1 070 000
Prices: Accommodation expensive, otherwise cheap
Attractions: The beaches, Stone Village
Info: A large semi autonomous island 80km off the coast of Tanzania. Eastern side is a very popular and touristy beach resort, while the northern and eastern areas are still quite unspoiled albeit a few backpacker lodges.
SA Recommends: Northern Zanzibar (not so many tourists, perfect beaches)

12.12.12 23:30 GMT+3

Our trip from Mbeya to Dar was unimaginably exhausting, yet the travelling part wasn't over. Our goal was to reach Zanzibar during the day, which we were (surprisingly enough) able to accomplish. We took a ferry from Dar to Zanzibar without problems (it was an hour late, but I guess here it's just kind of a given), we even managed to catch some sleep aboard the ferry.

From the harbour it was supposed to be an hour drive to our destination. That most definitely would've been too much to ask, so we weren't even surprised when we ran into some engine trouble and had a flat tyre on the road... TIA. After couple of hours in a minibus, we finally arrived to the northern end of the island. Zanzibar seems quite a nice place. It's a mixture of religions and cultures, all living in coexistence and harmony. Architecture is nice and the narrow streets give the cities a unique look.

After spending the last 3 days on buses, minibuses, taxies and a ferry, anywhere would feel like the best place on earth. But it doesn't hurt that we're in Zanzibar. Perfect white beaches with sunbathing girls, refreshing ocean breeze, beautiful palm trees, the most delicious fresh fruits you can find, cold drinks... Not even the daily power failures are going to ruin my mood. This is how it should always be. This is serenity. This is Zanzibar.

Over 6000km from Cape Town, we finally reached our final destination. We found ourselves a nice room near to the beach and for the next week, I ain't going to lift a finger. That includes this blog. I'm going to let the pictures do the talking.

Zanzibar over and out.

Next Destination: Tampere, Finland

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